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Automated Testing

Development branch

All of our latest updates are from our develop branch

The Synthetix ecosystem relies on automated testing as much as possible to enable a high-frequency of updates while maintaining security and reliability.

Continuous Integration


We rely primarily on CircleCI for our builds.

Contract Tests

We currently have over 1000 individual test specs for all contracts under /contracts running on buidler and buidlerevm. The tests are hosted under the test/contracts folder, and the setup is under test/contracts/setup.js. The tests make use of EVM snapshot and restores to quickly restore state between tests.

Legacy Tests

We also run this entire contract test suite with legacy contracts injected. So for every test target, any dependent contracts that can be found under legacy/contracts will be replaced and injected at test runtime.

Code Coverage


For the contract tests, we have code coverage configured to instrument our sources. So, whenever changes are detected in PRs, coverage reports are compiled and appended to PRs. The default branch for coverage reports is develop.

Our current sunburst graph for contract line coverage from our develop branch.

Publisher Integration Tests

Our custom publisher scripts do all the heavy lifting in deployment. As such, we've got a slew of integration tests that build, deploy and test various scenarios. These are hosted under test/publish

Deployment Live Tests

Every time we deploy updates to Synthetix, we mutate our deployment.json files under publish/deploys. This means that all contract addresses, ABI and synths can be loaded without needing any internet connection at all. In order to ensure that our JSON files match the deployed reality on-chain, we run the tests under test/deployments to verify, in particular, that our ABIs match those on-chain.

Testnet E2E Tests

Finally, under the test/testnet folder is a script that when run, will execute a basic PVT of our system. Because it's live testnet ETH and SNX, the script uses tiny amounts of the tokens in its execution. This script is used after each deployment to a testnet to ensure health of the system. We also run Etherscan ABI tests to assert what's been verified in Etherscan matches that in our deployment.json.